The Beard Shed are proud to announce the appointment of Joe Blakeney as brand ambassador. Joe has been a loyal customer from day one and has continued to support and promote The Beard Shed. With a great beard and a scent for what's hot, Joe will be helping us test new products and assessing samples from potential beard care brands.

We asked Joe a few questions about his life and beard, and so you can all get to know him a bit better here's what he had to say.....
So the bearded ref, what's in the name - are you really a ref?
I am indeed a referee. I'm an official for a few different wrestling promotions. I have also found myself being a referee for the school football team I coach on our home matches. Being a father of 5 has probably put me in good stead to being a referee!
How long have you been a ref?
Precisely 15 months now.
What's your career highlight?
Every time I step in a wrestling ring is a highlight for me but sharing a backstage area with wrestlers such as Paul London and Uhaa Nation (now known as Apollo Crews on WWE's NXT show) is always a privilege. If I were to have a match highlight it would be when I officiated a match with one of my favourite UK wrestlers ever back in January of this year, Sha Samuels.
Have you always been a bearded ref?
No. I have also had time as a moustached referee. All in the name of Movember of course! I quite enjoyed it actually.
How long have you been growing your beard for?
I have just passed my eleventh month and am now marching on triumphantly towards my yeard which will be November 26th!
Have you ever shaved your beard off?
Yes, sadly I have BUT it was all for a good cause so it was all well worthwhile. A good wrestler friend of mine, Kris Travis was diagnosed with stomach cancer so the wrestling community found many ways of raising money for him and his charity. I decided to shave my beard off and participate in Movember for him.
Have you experienced any beard problems?
Early stages of beard growing was quite frustrating but I learnt to live with it as I knew better times were around the corner. I also went through a stage where I could have the worst looking beard days ever for no real reason but since clearing my tenth month I rarely suffer from 'bad beard days' at all!
Which beard care products do you like to use?
I'm always on the lookout for new products but my go to products have mainly been Beardition shampoo and Mariner Jack Navigator oil. Although I swore by the Mariner Jack Navigator balm in the earlier stages of beard growth as it helped tame the wild hairs. I also can't forget Captain Fawcetts moustache wax for when I need that perfectly curled 'tasche on special occasions. And my new favourite, Captain Fawcetts Booze and Baccy beard oil.
What's your beard care brand of choice?
This is a really tricky question as there are some real quality brands around right now but I guess I would have to say Mariner Jack as I've been consistently using their wares from the first moment I started using beard products.
What aspirations do you hold for your beard?
I want it to become a true beard of envy. A beard that people see and say 'Now THAT is how I want my beard to look!'.
How long do you plan on growing your beard?
Firstly I can safely say I have no intentions whatsoever of ever being beardless again. So I'm looking to let it grow and grow...although I have considered visiting a barbers as a little treat for my 'yeard' just for a little tidy up!
Who's your biggest beard fan?
I wish I could say my lovely wife, Cheryl but that's not the case. She doesn't hate it but she's not its biggest fan. Therefore I'm going to just have to say other bearded friends...
Who's your beard idol?
This has to be Josh Tillman aka Father John Misty.
Follow Joe on social media and keep updated with his beard reviews and wrestling antics: